PIP and Uninsured Motorist Issues in Gaithersburg & Rockville
Why Accident Victims Need an Attorney on Their Side
Life after a serious motor vehicle accident is a lot of things — confusing, scary, frustrating, painful, challenging and stressful — sometimes all of these at once. Under these circumstances, what most people want more than anything is for life to return to what it was like before as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, insurance companies often stand in the way.
If you were involved in an auto accident near Gaithersburg and are now having trouble in obtaining benefits under your uninsured motorist coverage or personal injury protection (PIP) insurance — we’re not surprised AND we know what to do.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance
What does PIP do? Basically, PIP is no-fault coverage that pays for medical expenses, lost wages and other losses suffered in connection with a motor vehicle accident. Although you don’t have to buy PIP insurance, the law says that insurance carriers MUST offer it to you. If you don’t want it, the insurer must obtain a signed waiver from you stating that PIP was offered and you refused.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists’ Coverage
Any accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured motorist can create big problems for those who are injured. In these cases, victims can obtain compensation for medical costs and lost wages from their own insurer. This coverage has many unique features and can pit you against your own insurance company.
How We Can Help
At Sussman & Simcox, we know how insurance companies operate and can deal with them effectively because our attorneys spent years defending their interests in the courts. Today, we minimize the stress of life after an accident for our clients by taking care of the necessary paperwork and by coordinating with the insurance carrier to facilitate payments.