When buying or renewing car insurance, most people naturally look for places to save money. But when you buy insurance, Rockville personal injury attorneys suggest paying special attention to PIP and uninsured motorist coverage.
PIP stands for personal injury protection and is no-fault coverage designed to pay immediate medical expenses and lost wages after an accident. Individuals apply for these benefits from their own insurance companies and they are payable regardless of who caused the accident. Minimum coverage is $2,500 in benefits, which generally covers an emergency room visit, x-rays, some follow-up care, and some time off work. PIP is a great value in that it does not cost very much to add to your auto policy, and each member of your household will then have access to their own $2,500 benefit.
Uninsured motorist coverage protects you if you suffer personal injury in an auto accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. Like PIP, this benefit is purchased through your own insurance company. It gives you the peace of mind in knowing that if you or other occupants of your car are seriously injured, and the other driver is inadequately insured, there will still be coverage available to pay for your injuries and wages. Given the high cost of medical care, families can be devastated with uncovered hospital or surgical bills after an accident. Insure yourself. The next time you renew your auto insurance make sure you consider raising your uninsured motorist limits.
Have You Been Injured in a Maryland Car Accident?
If you've been injured in a car accident, you need to speak with an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Gaithersburg office directly at 301.840.0404 to schedule your free consultation.