Sussman & Simcox: Attorneys at Law Has You Covered – Call Now!

Have you been injured due to someone else’s negligence? At Sussman & Simcox, we know what you’re up against – medical bills, damage to your property, inability to work, loss of income, and the red tape involved in dealing with insurance companies that don’t return your calls. Insurance companies will attempt to maximize your fault while minimizing their own liability to make small settlement offers and take advantage of you. What you probably want more than anything else is for this entire or deal to be over with and for your life to return to a sense of normalcy. Our Sussman & Simcox attorney here to help make that happen. You don’t have to stand alone. If you have a personal injury or auto accident case in Rockville, Gaithersburg, Bethesda, Clarksburg, Germantown, Hagerstown, or a surrounding area in Maryland, contact us today to set up a free, confidential consultation with our personal injury attorneys.

An Overview of Personal Injury Settlement Negotiations

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, while on the job, or in any other scenario in which someone else’s negligence is to blame, the law says that you should be compensated for your injuries. Before the filing of a lawsuit, the involve parties will often attempt to resolve an injury claim through negotiations, with the insurance company reviewing injury materials, and offering a “fair settlement” to the injured party. As we have seen over the years, an injury victim that attempts to navigate this process on their own, without the early assistance of a lawyer, usually regrets that decision, and rarely feels as though they have been treated “fairly.” Because there are important steps you should take shortly after your injury, you should immediately consult or hire an experienced personal injury attorney for guidance, so you don’t make decisions that cannot be corrected later. A personal injury attorney will investigate your case, prepare your case for negotiations, and file a lawsuit on your behalf if necessary. When you retain the assistance of Sussman & Simcox, we want to see you receive a fair compensation. If we don’t feel the initial settlement offer is reasonable, we will continue to push for a fair offer, will prepare your case for a lawsuit.

What Types of Losses Are Covered by Personal Injury Claims?

Personal injury claims are often awarded compensation for current and future medical expenses, property damages, lost wages, and general pain and suffering. Injuries resulting in disabilities may be compensated for the costs of altering the victim’s lifestyle to accommodate their new disability, such as the costs of making their home wheelchair-accessible or the costs of hiring in-home nursing staff. If the injuries resulted in a wrongful death, the family of the personal injury victim might also be entitled to compensation for the funeral and burial expenses, as well as the costs of pre-death medical care and the general pain and suffering caused by the loss of their loved one.

What to Do If You’ve Been Involved in an Auto Accident?

If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, try to remain calm. How you react can help you prevent further injuries and make the cleanup and repair process go more smoothly. If it is safe to do so and you are uninjured, you should move your car to the side of the road. Be sure to take notes and document the damages to your vehicle while you wait for the local traffic authorities to arrive. Exchange detailed contact information with the other driver, including their insurance company, policy number, driver’s license number, and license plate number. Be sure to note the year, make, model, and color of the other vehicle. Never admit fault for the accident to the other driver or the police involved on the scene. File an accident report and contact your insurance company. If you have injuries, you may wish to seek immediate medical care even if they appear to be minor. Internal injuries are not always apparent to the untrained eye.

Why You Should Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney in Gaithersburg, Maryland

You may think you’re capable of handling your personal injury claim alone. However, in most auto accidents, it’s your word against the other driver, often with no witnesses to support your account of the collision. Please remember that when you receive a call from the insurance company for the other driver, that insurance company is hunting for reasons to deny or minimize your claim. They are not on your side. In the days following your accident, your claim may be in jeopardy without your knowledge. 

It’s always best to talk to a personal injury attorney and be aware to protect your legal rights that may be in play after an accident before speaking with an insurance company. Not doing so may prevent you from obtaining full compensation for your losses. You better believe the insurance company has experienced people managing the claim on behalf of their driver,  so shouldn’t you?

Have You Been Injured in a Maryland Car Accident?

If you've been injured in a car accident, you need to speak with an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Gaithersburg office directly at 301.840.0404 to schedule your free consultation.

Howard Simcox
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Gaithersburg Personal Injury Attorney
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