Many first-time injury victims have no working knowledge of how personal injury attorneys get paid, and that's one of the early questions they ask: "Do I owe you money? I can't afford it."
The way a typical personal injury firm works—and certainly the way our firm works—is on a contingency basis. We don't get paid until the end of the case. That means if you were in an injury, you don't have to budget for your lawyer every month. We don't keep track of our hours, we don't have an hourly rate, and we don't mail you a bill every month.
We work without charge for a year, two years, or even three years until we resolve your case. Then, we take a designated percentage of what we're able to recover. This gives the victim access to experienced attorneys without having to afford it right out of the gate and helps the justice system run fairly, so that not only wealthy people have access to experienced attorneys.