Uninsured motorist coverage helps protect you if an uninsured driver causes an accident with your vehicle. Even though auto insurance coverage is legally required in every state, a startling number of people ignore this requirement and drive uninsured. For this reason, it’s recommended for drivers to obtain the maximum uninsured motorist coverage that they can afford to cover the cost of medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering following an auto accident.
Limited Major Medical Insurance
Millions of Americans don’t have sufficient health insurance to cover injury treatment. Uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance typically includes components addressing major medical costs following an auto accident. For people who lack good medical insurance coverage, having uninsured motorist coverage can help them receive treatment following a car accident, without having to pay out of pocket.
Minimum State Insurance Requirements
A large number of drivers only purchase the minimum insurance coverage required by their state. In many cases, this minimum coverage isn’t sufficient to cover vehicle damage and other costs associated with an auto accident claim. When deciding how much underinsured motorist coverage to purchase, it’s a good idea for a driver to look at the state’s minimum auto insurance coverage and determine whether or not an additional safeguard is needed.
Range of Benefits
Drivers who have full uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage can claim full compensation following an auto accident in which they weren’t at fault. If someone is financing a car, some lenders actually recommend or require this coverage to protect the investment during the loan term. In addition, drivers who obtain uninsured motorist coverage can have peace of mind in knowing that if an irresponsible driver causes an accident, they won’t have to worry about paying the resulting costs because the other driver was uninsured.
Sussman & Simcox: Attorneys at Law understand both sides of a legal situation, so we can help provide a fair, honest assessment of your case. Our attorneys focus solely on Maryland personal injury law, including auto accidents and medical malpractice cases. To schedule a free consultation with a Maryland auto accident attorney, call (301) 840-0404.
Have You Been Injured in a Maryland Car Accident?
If you've been injured in a car accident, you need to speak with an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Gaithersburg office directly at 301.840.0404 to schedule your free consultation.