Many personal injury claims near Gaithersburg stem from dog bites. If you have been bitten by someone else’s dog, your personal injury lawyer can guide you through the process of holding the dog owner liable.
Each year, a personal injury attorney handles multiple claims from people who have suffered serious injuries as a result of dog bites. When you are hurt by someone else’s dog, his or her homeowners insurance company is responsible. Today, dog bite claims account for over one-third of homeowners insurance liability claims. Liability may be imposed because of a state law where a dog owner is automatically responsible for any injury or property damage caused by a dog. Liability may also arise if the owner was negligent in controlling a dog or if the victim can prove that the owner knew a dog was dangerous. As your personal injury lawyer will advise you, dog owners can also face criminal liability when their pets lash out.
Have You Been Attacked by a Dog in Maryland?
If you've been injured by a dog bite, you need to speak with an experienced dog bite attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Gaithersburg office directly at 301.840.0404 to schedule your free consultation.